Thursday, March 20, 2025
What should you do if life gives you lemons?!
Friday, March 14, 2025
Do you do it everyday??? Every single day?
There is not a day that I don't do it! I'm talking about accessorizing! Whether I'm going out, staying in, feeling great, have a cold, going to see lotsa' people, will see nobody, there's not a day that goes by that I don't accessorize!
I feel like that little or lot of decoration is like seasoning on plain food; it gives flavor! I actually tend to create a theme everyday and because I have far more jewelry, mostly costume, but there's real in there to, it's easy to come up with themes. And by finding much in thrift stores, vintage shops, garage sales, Good Will, etc., hopefully I reflect you don't have to spend a million to look like a million! I'm actually more likely to brag about my finds as soooooo much of the time, I find goodies for under $10!
Since my VanityCases characters in my VanityCasesGreeting cards are an extension of moi, much of the humor is about accessorizing...oh, and good hair, lipstick, shoes, etc! I hope you'll come take a look aby clicking on the links provided!
Friday, March 7, 2025
The Tao of accessories and fate
I was reflecting, and there's life lessons in accessories for this accessory addict. If the accessories don't work on a given day, maybe that means to add or subtract or to tweak the look. Don't dismiss the accessories, just pivot to a combination that will work and help you move forward fabulously with the day.
Fate, goals are the same way. Just because something is not working out, don't dismiss it, don't drop it, just pivot. It's those small changes that can bring big results.
Never give in, never give up, put on some big girl pearls and move forward with your fabulous self!
For more accessory life lessons and humor, I hope you will check out my funny women greeting cards in my Etsy Vanity Gallery!
Monday, March 3, 2025
Target - I can't play in your sandbox right now -
Friday, February 21, 2025
If life gives you lemons ... throw on another accessory and get on with it!
I'm the eternal optimist. If there's one thing that can be said of me it's that I always look on the positive, sunny side of things! (Oh and what's also true is I always have red lipstick and accessories on!) I truly believe no matter how challenging situations can be it's never wrong to look at the positive side ...and to add a smear of red lipstick and another accessory to get you through the storm!
I know what I'm talkin' about cuz' this last 10 months I've been presented me with an avalanche of bad luck... fate for which we have no control over. But through the most frustrating moments, I might have spewed the "F" word or a few more times out loud...but then I pulled my posture straight up ... and went forward. My funny woman cards for my Etsy Vanity Gallery are my salvation when I need to vent and escape - plus, it's cheaper than therapy! I hope you'll come take a look!
Thursday, February 6, 2025
A little Vanity Reflection by me, creator of Vanity Cases funny women cards!
Isn't it true that when you are having a Good Hair day, you feel you can rule the world?
With my line of women humor cards, Good Hair is a major subject. I mean really, think of a bad hair day, you just want it over! But a good hair day gives you the feeling of super powers! Now of course this seems very surface level but that's the point because if you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you do GOOD! So never underestimate the power of a Good Hair day! Come on by if you'd like to see some of my Funny Women Hair Day cards! Just type "hair" in the search bar!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Let a Good Hair Day be the solution to WTF days!
I truly believe you can't underestimate the power of a good hair day and especially as a solution to the WTF days that seemed to have emerged most recently. I truly believe one should never underestimate the power of a good hair day that can boost your mood, tude' and the confidence you exude!
I hope you'll click on over to TheVanityGallery and in the search bar type "hair" to see how I translate good and bad hair days into funny women greeting cards!
Saturday, January 18, 2025
The Tiff Annie collection -
This character has been in my sketch books for a long time and now she has "popped" up on my note cards! With no false modesty, I'm loving my note cards. They are designed on heavyweight 3x5 index cards. I luuuuuve index cards and keep in baggies in my purse! I use them for jotting down text ideas for my women humor greeting cards in my Etsy Vanity Gallery, to use as reminder notes, to jot down different ideas that come to mind when I'm out and about as well as to exchange information with people I run into!
The Tiff-Annie collection is a set of 21 cards, 7 of 3 different designs as seen in the video or can be seen when clicking my Vanity store link. As always, I keep reasonably priced!
I posted this lil' vid on my youtube (Collene Kennedy) channel and really have to get back to posting there! I broke my left arm on Christmas Eve, spent the morning in Emergency and am still trying to get up to speed! Wowsie! Amazing how a broken left wing can slow ya' down!
Monday, January 13, 2025
A fabulous way to rethink index cards!
Monday, January 6, 2025
I'm a one-winged artist! Oye!
You can bet I have a brooch on my arm sling! And for sure, no matter how much pain from my upper left broken bone, from 1 - 10, for over a week it's been at 16, I can still manage to plaster and speckle my face and of course draw my lipstick on!
I thought it would be fun to post the lil' Lipstick Life Lines booklet I created and will be adding to my Etsy store, TheVanityGallery. It's like 10 cards in one and I will be charging much, much less than it would cost to purchase 10 cards! And in the end, I take my pain killers 3 x a day and apply my lipstick about the same...Both are fabulous RXs for this dang broken arm!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Good Accessories open all doors!
Monday, December 16, 2024
If you have time to brush your teeth....
I truly believe if you have time to brush your teeth, you have time to put on a lil' mascara and if you have time to accent the eyes with mascara, you have a moment to apply a little lipstick! And Honey, if you have time to do the lips, for certain, you can carve out a moment to add a little concealer if needed, and to draw on an expressive eyebrow! And for heaven's sake, you can take the split second to powder your fabulous face!
What I guess I'm saying is take a moment to polish up the face and that little bit of vanity will give you sanity through the day! And when people say that they don't need make up I always offer, even a new pair of shoes look better with little polish! Vanity is the nucleus of the humor in my funny women greeting cards! I hope you'll come take a look at them in The Vanity Gallery!
When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good you do good! Right? R'eye'eeeeeet!"
PS, this image is from a book I'm planning on self-publishing one of these days!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
What would you tell your 20-something self!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
This might not work for everyone, but this has worked for me for writing and selling funny woman cards!
I'm going to get back to posting Vanity reflections but as I endeavor into my Youtube channel, I hope this is at least a bit entertaining!
I've posted some new cards in my EtsyVanityGallery and I'll share how I came up with the different ideas and how they came, as always, from real life!
Monday, November 18, 2024
The formula for creating greeting cards that sell!
So, I'm still new to Youtube & my channel, but in this one, I'm trying to say, if you praise the recipient AND the sender of a greeting card, you are more likely to have a successfully selling card! Come on by my VanityGallery on Etsy, to see what I mean, or just to have a laugh with my pithy, women humor greeting cards!
Don't make me beg, but gosh, it would be fab if you "liked" any of my videos or subscribed to my channel! In the meantime, air kisses until the next post!
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Bug Off! How to write & sell funny greeting cards - like Bug Off!
Okay, I'm still fairly new to creating my YoutTubeChannel and I am having a hoot! It's just like creating the cards, a creative outlet- for which I only wish I had more hours in the day to devote!
I'm hopefully giving you creative insight to how I come up with Vanity Cases card ideas! I don't think I'm speaking for myself, based on having sold 10,000+ card sales from my VanityGallery on etsy, that vanity can be sanity!
When we look good, we feel good and when we feel good, we do good! R'eye'eeeeeet?!
That being said, there is so much humor that emerges for me in creating cards for which Vanity is rhe nucleus of the humor! I invited you to watch the video, perhaps like and subscribe and I also invite any ideas you may want me to build on!
How I create cards for African American women - that sell!
I'm still in the baby stages of my Youtube channel but this was a fun one to create because it's one of my favorite card categories for which to create cards! What my customers seem to appreciate most is that the humor is simply Vanity Humor! And when it comes to Vanity, it's where I find my sanity and on my worst day, I'll have on lipstick and accessories! Vanity knows no complexion boundaries! After all, can't we all relate to the power of having a Good Hair Day, or knowing that we can save the world when we find the perfect lipstick color!
I hope you'll watch the video and like and subscribe and offer any suggestions of what you would like to see!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Creating cards for (Fabulous) African American women!
Women humor knows no complexion boundaries!
Monday, October 28, 2024
Dollar Tree Glitter Pens - We all need a little glitter!
Come on by my Youtube channel, which is still in its early stages, to see what I think of the Dollar Tree Glitter gel pens! They are like the "make up" the characters on my Vanity Cases cards needed - & I didn't even know it!
My youtube review is HERE and to take a look at the cards, click VanityGallery!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
One minute Ghosts! A Halloween must-do!
If you would like to see how I make these charming lil' paper plate ghosts every year, come on over to my youtube channel!
Here's the link:
Friday, October 4, 2024
Even the most fabulous people need to be reminded how fabulous they are so....
Friday, August 30, 2024
But we can't help being fabulous!
I found this small doodle I must have done a billion years ago but with no text. However, the Vanity Case character spoke to me and reminded me that some of us truly can't help being fabulous which, is why we have to go easy on others! I am so going to translate her into a card and post in my VanityGallery on Etsy!
The point is, even when we have to deal with annoying, petty people, "we" have to remember, not everyone can be fabulous like us. That's why we have to be kind to them for they do not know that they are not fabulous! And you don't have to dress fancy schmancy, wear red lipstick or be a show off to be fabulous! You just have to have a center core of strength, compassion and kindness. It's that easy!
I've recently seen some very mean behavior from women-to-women and it appalls me to my core. Women can be the best building blocks to each other! But when a mean one comes along, they don't understand how to celebrate another woman's fabulousity as it assaults their lack of confidence and who they are and therefore, they usually translate into being a ... be'otch to other women. No other word for it! So what do we do when you encounter...We don't get mean, we don't get even... we simply get MORE FABULOUS! I'm just sayin'!
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
People with light are the devil's delight!
The previous multiple entries were my way of dancing around the fact that a woman I worked with gossiped about me in my "day job." (My Day Job supported my art career - but I truly enjoyed it.) Gossip? About me? I flourished in the position and luuuuuved and was loved by associates and most specifically young children, who followed me like the Pied Piper! Their goal was often to guess my "accessory theme" for the day! I worked with a wide variety of young children with wide ranging needs. I'm certain this Gossip Viper must have felt assaulted by my personality and the light I had, and which I say with no false modesty, that invited children to feel seen, comfortable, respected and loved by my energy.
So what do ya' do when you know someone is like that? I'm a gal's gal and always will be because we can be our best support system to each other. But a single Be'autch, can also be the downfall of others. It's one thing to ignore gossip, however, when the gossiper engages people that should be above it, in higher positions and it's about you, you become a victim of the shade.
At this stage in life, I don't engage in gossip and most especially if it's mean natured. I take comfort in knowing nobody casts shade on me. I look at it this way, how do you dull a bright light or sparkle... You don't because you can't!
I found this card that I created that echoes what I believe and will post in my VanityGallery on Etsy!
Thursday, July 11, 2024
I got B' stung!
Monday, May 27, 2024
Be Happy - It can come down to the perfect lipstick!
Is being happy a choice? I think it is but then again, I'm a pragmatic optimist who believes you never know if today is the day something fabulous will happen which, can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color...right? R'eye'eeeeeet!
And finding the perfect lipstick color takes a bit of effort as does anything that brings reward. And for certain I don't think finding the perfect lipstick color as something trivial. Oh newwww'! Think about it; when you glide a color that you feel flatters you, you feel fabulous and when you feel do fabulous and are fabulous!
How do you, "Do Fabulous?" You invest effort and energy into being happy, being kind and working towards goals every single day. Nothing comes easy but whether looking to find that perfect shade of red or achieve that goal you have for yourself remember being happy can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color that starts the ball rolling...or the lipstick shining in the right directions!

Never underestimate the power of a pink feather boa!