Friday, October 4, 2024

Even the most fabulous people need to be reminded how fabulous they are so....

Come check out my Youtube channel and tell me how fabulous I am!

So my channel is new, and I'm sure I'll go through growing pains but I hope you'll check it out!  I plan to share where card ideas come from as well as the story behind many cards!  Vanity Cases women humor cards are my therapy and like little graphic novels to me and I hope to share fun insights and as always vanity observations!

YOUTUBE CHANNEL  Collene kennedy

I'm finding my way with this channel but I'll refer to it as my "Fab'log!"  My Fabulous Log!


Friday, August 30, 2024

But we can't help being fabulous!


I found this small doodle I must have done a billion years ago but with no text.  However, the Vanity Case character spoke to me and reminded me that some of us truly can't help being fabulous which, is why we have to go easy on others!  I am so going to translate her into a card and post in my VanityGallery on Etsy!       

The point is, even when we have to deal with annoying, petty people, "we" have to remember, not everyone can be fabulous like us.  That's why we have to be kind to them for they do not know that they are not fabulous!  And you don't have to dress fancy schmancy, wear red lipstick or be a show off to be fabulous!  You just have to have a center core of strength, compassion and kindness.  It's that easy! 

I've recently seen some very mean behavior from women-to-women and it appalls me to my core.  Women can be the best building blocks to each other!  But when a mean one comes along, they don't understand how to celebrate another woman's fabulousity as it assaults their lack of confidence and who they are and therefore, they usually translate into being a ... be'otch to other women.  No other word for it!  So what do we do when you encounter...We don't get mean, we don't get even... we simply get MORE FABULOUS!    I'm just sayin'!






Tuesday, August 13, 2024

People with light are the devil's delight!

 The previous multiple entries were my way of dancing around the fact that a woman I worked with gossiped about me in my "day job."  (My Day Job supported my art career - but I truly enjoyed it.)  Gossip?  About me?  I flourished in the position and luuuuuved and was loved by associates and most specifically young children, who followed me like the Pied Piper!  Their goal was often to guess my "accessory theme" for the day!  I worked with a wide variety of young children with wide ranging needs.  I'm certain this Gossip Viper must have felt assaulted by my personality and the light I had, and which I say with no false modesty, that invited children to feel seen, comfortable, respected and loved by my energy.  

I wore a positive attitude like I wear my accessories everyday and was always nice to the viper even if I didn't engage all  that much.  She was always, I mean always talking to the adults and about her goings' on and all too often with negative observations of people she/we worked with.  This is not conjecture on my part -  I was present when this would happen and do my best to offer positive assets of the different people.

So what do ya' do when you know someone is like that?  I'm a gal's gal and always will be because we can be our best support system to each other.  But a single Be'autch, can also be the downfall of others.  It's one thing to ignore gossip, however, when the gossiper engages people that should be above it, in higher positions and it's about you, you become a victim of the shade. 

At this stage in life, I don't engage in gossip and most especially if it's mean natured. I take comfort in knowing nobody casts shade on me.  I look at it this way, how do you dull a bright light or sparkle... You don't because you can't!

I found this card that I created that echoes what I believe and will post in my VanityGallery on Etsy!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I got B' stung!

Part 1 -- Oh yes, I got B' stung and not by the insect that pollenates flowers and spreads good and beauty in its path.  It was from a gossip viper that lead a path of rumor that spread to different innocents in their wake.  It was the dreaded "woman be-otch."  The B' stung me and no matter the damage to other persons, including me, I'm proud to say, I did not opt to join in the mud to play.   Oh, I so hope you will come back to see how women can be the best support system to one another when they come from a place of confidence or the worst enemy when they come from a place of jealousy, insecurity and being just plain mean.  

Part 2 -- Coming very soon -  
It will start with an expression someone used to share with me, "People with light are the devil's delight."  It means, people who are full of sunshine and optimistic views and who are always looking on the bright side of situations seem to assault those that are wrapped in negativity on the inside.  By saying on the inside I mean truly their core -  They may smile and be a "show barker" by appearing on the outside to be happy but their core of insecurity is like cream -  It always rises to the top.

Part 3 -- Come on back and I'll share how I experienced how no matter the age and stage women can simply be mean to one another -  I write in wonderment because I don't understand it it, never have, never will -

Part 4 -- The funny thing is that the gossip viper took aim at moi and I did what I thought was the right thing, I didn't play.  What I mean is I stayed myself, continued to look straight ahead and focus on a job in which I am excellent but their Be'otchiness was like a domino that kept falling.  And they knew -  as they felt my polite but cold shoulder and apologized profusely for their actions...Gossip.  A crying apology from someone who then turned around and continued - and I will continue with this ... I'll share more... the one thing one must know about me, no matter how mean, be-otchy, someone is, I will not let it dim my light -


Monday, May 27, 2024

Be Happy - It can come down to the perfect lipstick!


Is being happy a choice?  I think it is but then again, I'm a pragmatic optimist who believes you never know if today is the day something fabulous will happen which, can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color...right?  R'eye'eeeeeet!

And finding the perfect lipstick color takes a bit of effort as does anything that brings reward.  And for certain I don't think finding the perfect lipstick color as something trivial.  Oh newwww'!  Think about it; when you glide a color that you feel flatters you, you feel fabulous and when you feel do fabulous and are fabulous!  

How do you, "Do Fabulous?"  You invest effort and energy into being happy, being kind and working towards goals every single day.  Nothing comes easy but whether looking to find that perfect shade of red or achieve that goal you have for yourself remember being happy can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color that starts the ball rolling...or the lipstick shining in the right directions!  

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I am an Accessory Activist!

I am truly an accessory activist!  I believe they offer every person the ability to be their most fabulous!

It can be so simple to add a little fabulousness to any ensemble from a high-fashion ensemble to jeans and a T!  I'm certain accessories are essential no matter what one is wearing and that includes bathing suits...naturally!  I think of accessories as vital nutrients for any outfit!

Much of the humor of my Funny Women Greeting cards in my Etsy VanityGallery celebrate the importance of accessories - is it just me, or are they oxygen for any outfit?!
Come on by and see if you feel the same way - VanityGallery on etsy!VanityGallery on etsy!

This self-confessed Accessory Addict layers accessories around the neck

Oh yes!  I went there in the day time!  I layered three or four chains and necklaces and I thought the result was quite smashing!  

If you can layer clothes, why not accessories?!  And here's the deal, I wore my "triple play" fancy-schmancy necklaces with a simple fitted  black T-shirt [from Target and of which I have 4), under my simple black J.Crew jacket.  What can I say, the J.Crew jackets work for me in that they are the blank canvas I need to "paint" my accessory styling!

The necklaces are a vintage diamondy' chocker from my Mother in law, and I imagine from the 40s because the stones are glass and the clasp has a vintage closure with a safety chain .  I kept it in a jewelry box for years and recently thought, WHY?  What am I waiting for to be fancy!  Why not make an effort to be fabulously fancy everyday!?  

In addition to the vintage piece, I wrapped a silver diamond cut, Cuban link chain wrapped twice around and which I used in a previous incarnation connecting two crystal circle pins on two lapels.  And while it might be hard to see, I added a "gold like" rope 16 inch chain to this triple play necklace layering. I will forever like the blending of gold and silver -

And it's almost always a race to my elbows with bracelets and bangles everyday that of course have to "sing along" with whatever my accessory theme is for the given day.  This largish' cuff was is a fab' steal from a Jersey boardwalk shop and dare I brag, less than or about ten dollars!  I combined with vintage Monet snake chain bracelet and a slim gold cuff, given to me by my Mom a millionty years ago which always shines like a million dollars after I brush / refresh it with a little toothpaste.  Yes.  Toothpaste fore me shines my gold, my white gold and platinum.  

Most of the characters in my Vanity Cases funny women greeting cards are over accessorized and I still don't know, are they me or am I them.  I just know a day without accessories is ....crickets chirping...somethings are simply unimaginable!   

Friday, May 3, 2024

It is ridiculous how meticulous I am when it comes to accessorizing.


Hi, I'm Collene Kennedy, I write & illustrate women humor greeting cards and I am an accessory addict. I'm sure there's a 12 step program for people like me however, I would rather think how I would  accessorize a given outfit than pare-down my accessory collection and habit!  I consider accessories vitamins and essential for any ensemble, formal, fancy or casual. I personally, can’t imagine even so much as stepping out of the house to the mailbox without an accessory scheme or theme. 

In the photo of moi displayed here, my twin [vintage] circle pins (I have a millionty of them) are attached by a chunky silver chain worn on my [simple J.Crew] jacket lapels was inspired by something I saw in the legendary designer Elsa Schiaparelli boutique. When I visited the amazingly well edited collection in the retail candy-land of Bergdorf Goodman in New York recently, I was gob-smacked by the creativity infused to the design house by designer Daniel Rosberry, reflected in the clothes and for me, in particular the insanely creative accessories. 

I could go on endlessly about the accessories, but what stood out to me was what I remember as two brooches; an enamel eye and bean mouth attached by a chain and pinned on the shoulder of what I believe was a long ivory silk jacket.  The design is a blur in my mind but what remained crystal clear was the brooches connected by a single chain. I shared how much I loved the concept to the very knowledgeable and lovely Schiaparelli boutique hostess and how I thought I might interpret to which she said, “that would be very Schiaparelli!” The ultimate compliment! 

PS, the necklace in my photo is a white gold looking vine with crystal imbedded leaves - which I thrifted - if course!

Vanity lesson learned, it doesn’t cost a million to look like a million

For more Schiaparelli eye candy you must visit #Abyleigh's tiktok.

If you want to see my tiktok it's collenekennedyfab

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Some people need coffee, I need lipstick!

It's the switch that turns a face on!

It's color, not caffeine that I need!  Lipstick is not only the switch that turns my face on, it's the component that makes me, ME!  And when it comes to lipstick, in my lil' ol' opinion, red is the only color.  It truly gives me life!  I think red lipstick is to the face, what pearls are to a black dress; always classic and always works!

Since I overdraw my lip line, putting on lipstick is my first creative endeavor of the day and once it's on, the pop of color motivates me to move forward with a raised eyebrow and a smile to see what lies ahead.  I have found a way to keep my red on from first application in the early morning until the end of a long day, with only a slight topcoat touch up. 

I start with an outline with a red pencil, fill in with Maybelline ink in a shade of red of course and when that dries, I tap on a little of Maybelline Vinyl, which is also a long lasting stain -- that stays shiny for hours!  When I touch up, I usually tap on a little classic Revlon Love That Red. Oh, and I sometimes use the Love that Red as blush smudging a touch on to the cheeks.  What's not to love about a product that does so much for the outside and therefore the inside!

Over the years I've become known for my signature red lipstick and truly never so much as step outside the house without it on! I suppose I'm a red lipstick addict!  As a result, I often create Lipstick Life Lines," in my funny women greeting card humor!

It is my belief truly anyone can wear red as long as they "own" it and find the shade that suits them.  It's very empowering and completes any face transforming it with a puncuation of a timeless and classic style that truly works with any outfit!  

Think about it; who wouldn't look fab' with a face ensemble of red lipstick, sunglasses, and perhaps a bit of powder.  Oh and the lipstick can also be used as blush with a wee smudge on the cheeks.  

So while some people may need coffee to start their day for me it's red lipstick that gives me energy and a certain fabulous quotient!

On another note, if you'd like to see the lipstick shade I use check out my latest tiktok at @collenekennedyfab 


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

That stage where one thinks that everyone their age looks older than they do!

    Has this happened to you?  You're watching television or reading and the age of someone is shared and you think, "Gad', that's old!"  Or you see someone who might even brag about their age but upon your observation, you think, "Gad, that's old!"  Then.  Then you realize Dear Lawd', that's the same age that you are?!  

    I'm either delusional, in denial or my greatest hope, is that I don't look my age!  But here's the deal, since I don't share my age one wouldn't know - really! I don't tell my age but I'll give you a range or a decade I'm in.  Here's why; when one shares if they're in their 30s, 40s 50s or above, they get put into a box; a "life expectation" box!  The only box I like to be associated with is a shoe box.  

    So my age like my weight is a number one could guess and likely be quite close, but I feel no need to pull it into sharp focus!  Besides, the other day I saw someone my age and thought "Gad - They are fabulous!"     

Stop on by my Etsy VanityGallery if you would like to see more #Vanitywomenhumor!  It's my thing!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

A day without accessorie? Wha'???

     It is one hot summer!  I'm hearing it's the hottest summer on record and therefore, in dressing everyday the aim is to be both cool on the inside and outside. There is not a day, hot or cold, that I believe one should go without accessories!  For Gad's sake, even when marinating in a pool, it's a race to the elbows with bangles for moi!  And frankly, the added benefit is that accessories draw the eye away from the bathing suit - which naturally, is often basic black.
    No matter the temperature, why would one NOT wear accessories?!  I truly believe they are the style seasoning that give the fashion seasoning to any look!

    *To see more accessory humor, insights or reflections I invite you to see my Vanity Cases by clicking the link.  And really, isn't it worth a moment to have a smile over Vanity Reflections?!


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Always Prioritize & Accessorize!


No matter what life throws is, this is true!  It's up to us fabulistas to know when life throws potholes in our path that's when it's more  important than ever to celebrate and decorate ourselves!  One must never doubt the power of a few baubles and beads!  Super heroes need capes, we need accessories!  Accessories can take you from a mood that is blah to Ta-Dah!  

When one is navigating through a bad hair day or a more intense situation, some people need Prozac, I need  pearls, broches, bangles and sunglasses - even on a cloudy day!  

In fact, it's those cloudy days when I think we need our sunnies [Read: Sunglasses] most!  It's when we can peek from behind them and know we are coming from a place of a fabulousness that can't be defined.  The factor can scare the ba'jeekers out of those that don't understand it, but we know, it's the fabulous quotient that can be equated with innate inner strength, that will pull us through those situations where we feel like there is little control.  We know that's the time to reflect, prioritize and accessorize - and realize we'll get to the other side at our most fabulouzzzzzzz!

PS, this is for YOU!

If you like the image of Iris Apfel, check out my #womenhumorgreetingcards in my VanityGallery!

#funnywomencards  #funnywomengreetingcards #womenhumorcards #accessoryquote #accessoryhumor #accessoryinspiration #accessoryart #irisapfelart #irisapfelillustration #collenekennedy #accessoryaddict  #fabulousinspiration #fabulousfashion

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The struggle is real: finding a bathing suit!

    It's always find it ironic how we dress all year long to cover ourselves often in streamlined looks to glide and hide any figure flaws and on the first hot day, we unpeel it all in the torturous, dreaded bathing suit.  I'm often surprised how my body hibernates and conspires deceivingly under my tailored layers from fall to late Spring never giving me the slightest hint that the body that I last saw in a bathing suit, isn't the same one that has emerged when I go to try on a new one.

    Here are my survival tips for trying on a bathing suit in the horrific fluorescent lighting of dressing rooms that seem to shine strobes on every wrinkle, line and bump...on the body!  First, turn away from the mirrors while disrobing and until the suit is actually on. Secondly, be like a trapeze artist and NEVER LOOK DOWN, again, until the suit is on!  Then, once pasted to your body, slowly visually scan and stand as tall as you can, of course holding in your stomach and not breathing. *Breathing in and out can add five pounds!  If you do not let out a blood curdling scream once you see the suit on; consider it a contender!  

    Above all else, remember you are fabulous and while your butt and boobs may not be in same place as last bathing suit season, neither is your brain and you are better for it!  And if that doesn't work, go home, pour a class of wine and eat a piece of cheesecake!

#funnywomenblog #forwomenonlyhumor #funnybathingsuit #bathingsuithell #tryingonbathingsuits #humorforwomen #funnywomengreeting cards


Friday, April 28, 2023

We don't brag - we state facts!

Don't you just hate it when people brag about how fabulous they are when they usually aren't?!  As for us, we can't help being fabulous and that's not bragging, rather just stating a fact; r'eye'eeeeet?!  

There's a fine line between bragging or showing off and exuding confidence.  It's something fabulistas inherently have mastered. We know that confidence whispers while insecurity shouts. 

This is especially true of social media and people who feel compelled to post their every move, meal and activity online. I die at the lack of awareness of those that feel the need to beat their chests begging, "look at me, "look at me," by posting their every burp and sneeze, plated meal, daily event and all too often in the form of selfies. It's one thing to post interesting images, inspiring observations or thought-provoking ideas.  I'll take those all day every day, if they make others feel good, smile or ponder.  That's not to say one shouldn't post cute photos and such but to do it hyper frequently, to me, it's like seeing someone flailing their arms and begging for validation for their every move! 

I mean really, when you know what you've got and how fabulous you are, the most important person whose validation should want the most is YOU!   This is card in my VanityGallery on Etsy!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Accessory Activist!

I'm an accessory activist because I truly believe they can empower every person to their highest level of fabulousness! I mean really, who doesn't look more fab' with a few strands of pearls, whether the pearls are tiny or bubble gum ball size or an arm full of bangles ir a statement brooch decorating a lapel or shoulder?  And who is to say, that a feather boa won't complete a given outfit taking it to the next level!

There is this age-old fashion rule to look at oneself in a mirror once dressed and take one thing off... Well.  Honey, I look in the mirror and add one or two or three more things!  Accessories give me life!  So go out and have a race to the elbow with bracelets and bangles, wrap a scarf on your hips or tie it on your purse, dot the arm of a sleeve with pins and never, not ever, go without earrings!  And just as one can't imagine going out without mascara, never, I mean never go out without earrings.   It's all about feeling your highest level of your fabulous self! ! !   I'll have this posted soon as a card in my EtsyVanityGallery, but until then, Air kisses and accessory wishes until the next post!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Poor wine judgement...Pour judgement!

Poor judgement is not a bad thing...Hi'cup... I mean pour judgement!  To the top please!

A good friend knows when it's a good time to exercise "Pour Judgement!"  What's wrong with a full glass of wine after a long day and especially if shared with a good friend?!  Shouldn't it be mandatory?  I'm not saying one had to drink wine to be able to have a good time, but for sure it's a refreshing choice with a fresh friend!   Don't you think?!

To see more VanityCases humor, come on by TheVanityGallery!  FREE CARD with any order, even a single card.. When in my Vanity Gallery, just click contact seller and let me know which one you would like!

Suddenly it's summer ... take it off!

I simply die how most of us artfully use clothes to cover our figure flaws all year long and on the first hot, summer, beach or pool day, we "take it all off," to bare almost all!  I put on my suit this year and thought, where in the world did the body go that I had last year, cuz' this one is slightly different...slightly eroded!  But that happens every year!

In preparing for the sun, I add just enough fake tan lotion to cut-the-glare of my very fair skin... I don't want my arms and gams to reflect light and possibly blind someone!

For me, a bathing suit is without question the biggest aide to dropping pounds!  The last thing that I personally want to do when I'm "in-suit" is to eat!  So while I curse my daughters on the one hand to wanting to go to the pool, I am thankful that my suit keeps me focused on my food intake ... or lack thereof while I'm in it!

And no, that is not an interpretation of moi in the drawing!

Happy Summer!
PS... I'll likely create Tilly as a character to be featured on one of my VanityCasesGreetingCards which can be seen mostly here:  TheVanityGallery!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Eat the icing first! YOLO!

YOLO! ! ! 

Oh for Gad sake, eat the cupcake and don't count the calories!  YOLO!  I love that abbreviation for You Only Live Once!  Now this is not to say you can do any ol' thing you want and call out YOLO and think it's mighty fine, but there are times when dang, ya' just want to eat the icing!

YOLO is also a great mantra when you are a bit hesitant to try something new!  Instead of fearing a change step up-to-the plate and say, YOLO!  Or, if you are one of those people who are tough on themselves and never give yourself a break, relax, indulge and celebrate with  YOLO chant!

As for me, when something is a little scary, I think what's the worst that can happen and I walk forward, of course with red lipstick, powder and pearls say YOLO - so do it!

That's my thought for today...air kisses and accessory wishes until the next observation!

Oh, and if you'd like to see some new women humor cards click on over to TheVanityGallery or my website,

Monday, January 14, 2019

Is it a bad thing to tell someone to bug off?

Really, think about it, what might be some advice you would give your younger self?  I think I would have told select people to "Bug Off!"  Ok, perhaps I'm using the words "Bug Off," where there might be stronger words, but you get it!  It takes getting older, or as I like to call it, "evolving" to know that when people are not adding to your life, move on from them! I truly believe, "Bug Off," can be communicated without ever being mean or using a curse word! 

Fabulous always finds fabulous so everyday, be kind, make your bed, find something to laugh about and always, but always wear a little red lipstick!  And if it needs to be done, if someone doesn't get the fabulousness in you, tell them to "Bug Off!"  And like my Mother always taught me, even after you give someone a piece of your mind, in a nice way, conclude with saying, "Thank you!"

The image in this post is a fabulous birthday card & can be found here:

Air kisses and accessory wishes until the next time!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Tis' the Season "Tu Tu" be fabulous!

But honestly, isn't it always the season to be fabulous?!  

And really, it doesn't take that much to be fabulous!
1, Always make one's bed
2, Always buff and polish the face with a lil' makeup!
      **I mean really, if one has time to brush their teeth, I truly believe they have time to add a little     lipstick and blush & a little mascara as well can't hurt!
3, Always add one more accessory!  I know the adage is less-is-more, but really, who believes that!

Come on by again as I'm always posting new cards, images and fun stuff on my website,!

Until then, air kisses and accessory wishes!

Monday, November 5, 2018

That feeling you get when...

I'm telling you... I'm confessing to you, that if I put on a jacket that I haven't worn in a ba'zillion years and find a few dollar bills or M&Ms in the pocket, I'm in heaven!  I don't think M&Ms have an expiration date!  Oh, and finding money is nice as well!

Do little things like this make you happy????

Of course I'll translate this into a Funny Women Humor card ... either as a birthday or coping card and post in my Etsy VanityGallery or on Ebay, where I offer my cards!

Air kisses and Accessory Wishes until the next post!/ Collene

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Audrey Hepburn said...

I do agree with what Audrey Hepburn, who I see as an icon of perfect inner and outward style said, but it's hard to argue that a lil' lipstick couldn't hurt - anyone!  

I worship at the alter of red lipstick and truly believe, it's like a button that turns a face "on!"  And further to that, I'm certain almost every woman, at every age can wear red lipstick!  Honey, I see it as more than a color and in many ways a state-of-mind!  It says, "Hello, I'm here!"

And while Miss Hepburn is right about the smile factor, which should be a resting stance for any face, I'm a believer in making extra effort to step-up one's appearance game!  Like the my characters believe in all my Women Humor greeting cards, Vanity can be one's sanity!  

Do you wear red lipstick?????

To see more Vanity Observations: VanityCasesFabbityCharacters!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Annoying People & Having Manners!

So, does this ever happen to you?  You are talking with, or more accurately being talked at but someone who is beyond annoying and quite frankly, usually talking about themselves and you are thinking, when is this going to end?  Or, perhaps like me, you are restraining from yelling, "SHUT UP!"

Uh huh.  Most of my cards are "lite" n' funny and rarely snarky, but this one was a great way to be able to see a little humor from getting caught in "conversational pot holes!"

If you would like to see my card or more click for my Vanity Gallery on Etsy Vanity Gallery on Etsy

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tabloid Heaven - What's not to love about the tabloids?!

A mind is a fabulous thing to waste and I luuuuuuve to waste mine now n' again either reading the tabs or let's say watching Bravo TV!  I consider it junk food for the brain and the up side is  -- NO CALORIES!

My fave' escape is heading to Barnes & Noble and reading the tabs... I buy enough books there to not feel guilty ... well too guilty anyway!  Unlike Eve (in my illustration and who is based on a real person I knew), I can NOT hang around in my pjs all day!  Oh No!  I am the original Vanity Case and lipstick, powder, pearls and getting dressed are what puts me into gear for the day!

The same holds true for the VanityCases that I feature on my Women Humor Greeting cards!

Well, that's my Vanity Observation for the day  -- Air Kisses and Accessory wishes until the next one!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Don't get mad; get more fabulous!

Ooooooh yes!  This is the way to go!  And here's the trick; when you are annoyed by a specific person or people, you don't have to let them know that you are more Fabulous then them, they already know it! Someone once told me that, "People with light, are the devil's delight."  The adage reminded me of something I read that Bette Davis' mother told her when she felt critics were going after her, "birds only pick at the ripest fruit!"

When it comes to dealing with annoying people, some will suggest, kill em' with kindness.  I have a modified take which is KILL EM' WITH YOUR FABULOUSNESS!  The difference is you are not giving away your energy, YOU ARE OWNING YOUR FABULOUSNESS!  The twist takes the power back to YOU!

And since "birds of a fabulous feather flock together," other fabbity-birds will  be attracted to your fabulousness.  Well, that's what Tiffanee, the character above says and believes!

Tiffanee believes your glitter will leave a path of light and fabulousness that will attract those that will embrace the sparkles that a fabulista emanates.  *Oh yes, one should really keep a little glitter in their purse for such gestures!

Tiffanee's rules for getting more fab:  
  • Throw on another strand of pearls
  • Wear red lipstick 
  • Tie on a fabulous scarf or better yet a boa and ...
  • Add a touch of vanilla from the kitchen in place of'll smell delish! 
  • Most importantly, smile!  It will effect your mood, tude and confidence you exude!

Air kisses and accessory wishes until the next entry...Collene
PS... I'm soooo thinking of creating a line of Tiffanee cards for my VanityGallery on Etsy!

Never underestimate the power of a pink feather boa!