Monday, May 27, 2024

Be Happy - It can come down to the perfect lipstick!


Is being happy a choice?  I think it is but then again, I'm a pragmatic optimist who believes you never know if today is the day something fabulous will happen which, can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color...right?  R'eye'eeeeeet!

And finding the perfect lipstick color takes a bit of effort as does anything that brings reward.  And for certain I don't think finding the perfect lipstick color as something trivial.  Oh newwww'!  Think about it; when you glide a color that you feel flatters you, you feel fabulous and when you feel do fabulous and are fabulous!  

How do you, "Do Fabulous?"  You invest effort and energy into being happy, being kind and working towards goals every single day.  Nothing comes easy but whether looking to find that perfect shade of red or achieve that goal you have for yourself remember being happy can be as simple as finding the perfect lipstick color that starts the ball rolling...or the lipstick shining in the right directions!  

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Never underestimate the power of a pink feather boa!