Monday, January 14, 2019

Is it a bad thing to tell someone to bug off?

Really, think about it, what might be some advice you would give your younger self?  I think I would have told select people to "Bug Off!"  Ok, perhaps I'm using the words "Bug Off," where there might be stronger words, but you get it!  It takes getting older, or as I like to call it, "evolving" to know that when people are not adding to your life, move on from them! I truly believe, "Bug Off," can be communicated without ever being mean or using a curse word! 

Fabulous always finds fabulous so everyday, be kind, make your bed, find something to laugh about and always, but always wear a little red lipstick!  And if it needs to be done, if someone doesn't get the fabulousness in you, tell them to "Bug Off!"  And like my Mother always taught me, even after you give someone a piece of your mind, in a nice way, conclude with saying, "Thank you!"

The image in this post is a fabulous birthday card & can be found here:

Air kisses and accessory wishes until the next time!

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