Monday, May 20, 2013

Who cares, it's nobody's business!

It's really true!
What other people think of us is really not any of our business as long as WE KNOW we are fabulous top-to-bottom and inside-out.  And seriously Dolls, that's what matters most!  Right?

This can mean anything to anyone, but to me it means being kind to other people every single day, which includes (in my humble vanity opinion) wearing make-up and just as importantly practicing random acts-of-kindess because it's the right thing to do and not because one is going to post it on Facebook or Twitter.  Gosh, there's nothing wrong with sharing a kind deed but the reward is always in the simplicity of doing it.  Don't you think?  

That's my Vanity Observation of the day.  Who says us Vanity Gals can't all be fabulous and deep at the same time?!  I decided to create this image as a card that can be customized for birthday, friendship, coping or get well, here, in this VanityGallery in the fab' cards section.   Air kisses until the next Vanity Reflection!

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