Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life is fast soooo.....

Words to live by ... Really!
The one thing that is chanted over and over and (over) especially when one has children is, "It goes by sooooo fast"!  

Well, I ponder, does life go by fast, or is it a theory of relativity and as we get older a year becomes a smaller mathematical portion of one's overall life?!  And if it goes faster, how do you slow it down?  You don't, but this Bleached Blonde practicing Buddhist does her darndest to practice meditation and and being mindful and present.  I like to think of it as appreciating all the moments big, small, happy, good hair days, bad hair days, cranky, grateful, etc., etc.  

And to be sure, taking time for a little scent of Channel no. 5 or Happy combined with a medicinal teaspoon of cookie dough is something ya' have to build in to reveling in and really lingering in the simple luxe!!!

That's my lil' ol' Vanity Reflection of the day... I think I may have to create this image as a 5x7 print and offer in my EtsyVanityGallery!  

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