Friday, August 30, 2024

But we can't help being fabulous!


I found this small doodle I must have done a billion years ago but with no text.  However, the Vanity Case character spoke to me and reminded me that some of us truly can't help being fabulous which, is why we have to go easy on others!  I am so going to translate her into a card and post in my VanityGallery on Etsy!       

The point is, even when we have to deal with annoying, petty people, "we" have to remember, not everyone can be fabulous like us.  That's why we have to be kind to them for they do not know that they are not fabulous!  And you don't have to dress fancy schmancy, wear red lipstick or be a show off to be fabulous!  You just have to have a center core of strength, compassion and kindness.  It's that easy! 

I've recently seen some very mean behavior from women-to-women and it appalls me to my core.  Women can be the best building blocks to each other!  But when a mean one comes along, they don't understand how to celebrate another woman's fabulousity as it assaults their lack of confidence and who they are and therefore, they usually translate into being a ... be'otch to other women.  No other word for it!  So what do we do when you encounter...We don't get mean, we don't get even... we simply get MORE FABULOUS!    I'm just sayin'!






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