Thursday, July 11, 2024

I got B' stung!

Part 1 -- Oh yes, I got B' stung and not by the insect that pollenates flowers and spreads good and beauty in its path.  It was from a gossip viper that lead a path of rumor that spread to different innocents in their wake.  It was the dreaded "woman be-otch."  The B' stung me and no matter the damage to other persons, including me, I'm proud to say, I did not opt to join in the mud to play.   Oh, I so hope you will come back to see how women can be the best support system to one another when they come from a place of confidence or the worst enemy when they come from a place of jealousy, insecurity and being just plain mean.  

Part 2 -- Coming very soon -  
It will start with an expression someone used to share with me, "People with light are the devil's delight."  It means, people who are full of sunshine and optimistic views and who are always looking on the bright side of situations seem to assault those that are wrapped in negativity on the inside.  By saying on the inside I mean truly their core -  They may smile and be a "show barker" by appearing on the outside to be happy but their core of insecurity is like cream -  It always rises to the top.

Part 3 -- Come on back and I'll share how I experienced how no matter the age and stage women can simply be mean to one another -  I write in wonderment because I don't understand it it, never have, never will -

Part 4 -- The funny thing is that the gossip viper took aim at moi and I did what I thought was the right thing, I didn't play.  What I mean is I stayed myself, continued to look straight ahead and focus on a job in which I am excellent but their Be'otchiness was like a domino that kept falling.  And they knew -  as they felt my polite but cold shoulder and apologized profusely for their actions...Gossip.  A crying apology from someone who then turned around and continued - and I will continue with this ... I'll share more... the one thing one must know about me, no matter how mean, be-otchy, someone is, I will not let it dim my light -


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