Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tabloid Heaven - What's not to love about the tabloids?!

A mind is a fabulous thing to waste and I luuuuuuve to waste mine now n' again either reading the tabs or let's say watching Bravo TV!  I consider it junk food for the brain and the up side is  -- NO CALORIES!

My fave' escape is heading to Barnes & Noble and reading the tabs... I buy enough books there to not feel guilty ... well too guilty anyway!  Unlike Eve (in my illustration and who is based on a real person I knew), I can NOT hang around in my pjs all day!  Oh No!  I am the original Vanity Case and lipstick, powder, pearls and getting dressed are what puts me into gear for the day!

The same holds true for the VanityCases that I feature on my Women Humor Greeting cards!

Well, that's my Vanity Observation for the day  -- Air Kisses and Accessory wishes until the next one!

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