Monday, October 30, 2017

Fabulous Pearls of Wisdom...

Yes, I believe pearls are like fashion Prozac, they effect your mood, tude' and the confidence you exude!

And they make every single outfit more fabulous!  I can't leave the house without them on, whether around my neck or wrapped around my wrist.  Since there were times (as rare as they could be), that I left the house without them, I keep a strand or two in my purse.  Some people tuck emergency chocolate in their purse; I'm all about the pearls!

I think I'm addicted to pearls!  My Name is ColleneKennedy and I'm a "Pearl'aholic"  Hello Collene!

But I mean really, can you ever have too many strands whether real or faux and I luuuuuuve both!  And because I had to find an expression for my Pearlizing', I have about a dozen or so hanging from a light fixture or two in the house... I also have quite a few strands draped and hanging from a shower curtain...They dress up any curtain rod and hanging from hooks accessorize little spots here n' there.  I guess you are getting the picture ... I love em'!

Also, never underestimate the ability for pearls to make one look very put together.  I mean really, even if you are in a sad old t-shirt or droopy sweatshirt; think of pearls as botox that can give both a lil' lift!           PS, Here's my shameless self promotion, I just listed this Pearl Prozac Vanity card   in my EtsyVanityGallery!   

Until the next Vanity Observation Air Kisses and Accessory wishes!

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