Monday, February 27, 2017

The [staying] Power of Lipstick!

Ok, to know me is to know, I don't so much as go to the bus stop with my kids without LIPSTICK, (powder and pearls)!  It's like brushing my teeth; it's just something I do the same way someone puts on a pair of shoes every morning.  And when applied in a way that I've done for years, the color (of course red) stays on through the day and/ or meals with minimal touch ups!

Here's what I do to keep lipstick lasting a whole day...
  1. I first outline lips with a matching red pencil... I overdraw, but natch', that's optional!  
  2. I fill in - but not too heavily, with one of those lipsticks that are sold as a stain on one end and clear gloss on another end... Almost every drugstore line offers... I usually use a Cover Girl red.
  3. After letting the stain dry for a moment, I make a big smile and lightly smooth over my choice of RED long wear lipstick... Like there's any other color?!  
  4. Maybe I'll rub it down a bit ...but not always -  That's it!
  5. And the best way to get the stain off is of course with a make up remover ... or olive oil...which I also use as my face serum.  Uhm, I would take a bath in olive oil if I could!
That's it ...Because like my card says, Lipstick is like a bra for the face...It gives a lil' lift to what's already there!

Air kisses and accessory wishes until the next post!

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