Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fabulous Footprints....

I was thinking about this recently; so many people come in-and-out of our lives, but few will leave lasting footprints!  It's all about style n' impact and the ability to learn fabulous "soleful" lessons!

As with much of my art & humor, I also translated as a greeting card which can be seen here.   

Someone recently asked me why I often use fabulous shoes and heels in much of my art & humor.  Well, when one thinks about it, a shoe can truly affect a mood, tude' and the confidence we exude!  When wearing a fab' heel, one's entire posture changes and you walk with a purposeful balance.  The same could be said of a fabulous flat if that's a preferred style.  And all of a sudden, you feel good in the way you are moving -- and do I even have to say it; if ya' feel good on the outside, it will sink into the inside!

Even working from my home studio, balancing art deadline with house duties of emptying the dishwasher and doing laundry, I HAVE to have a fairly fabulou shoe to feel a lil' jaunt in my step and therefore my "sole!"  

Until the next "soleful" post, thank you for stopping by - it means much to moi!... CK

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