Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fabulous shoes are good for your "sole!"

Yup, a fabulous pair of shoes, (like the prints above avail' in my EtsyVanityGallery),  can make you feel fabulous from head-to-toe and are good for your Sole/Soul!  Honey, they could be a smashing pair of rain boots, shiny flats, fab'tabulous heels, or even nifty flip flops, but I truly believe, if you start out with shoes that make you feel happy, ya' walk a bit taller and with better posture!  ***And after all, standing tall and straight is the easiest way to lose five pounds!  Did you know that? 

As an At-Home Mom E. Person, I'm always in my lipstick, powder n' pearls and a simple pair of shoes that I keep shiny, that allow me to play with my kids, clean the house or work in the studio with a little style in my "sole!" 

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