Monday, November 21, 2011

Chocolate Wisdom Bookmark...for you!

Click n' Print *This image should enlarge once clicked & fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper
Bout' time don't you think for a little fab' freebie?!  I've posted a bookmark with lotsa' room to make notes.  I offer a selection of bookmarks in my on line Vanity store, which can be a fab' little item to enclose in a birthday, coping or friendship card.  The quantity and quality is wonderful but I also think if you print the images I've posted here, on card stock paper, they will be fun n' fab as well!

Almost all art in my Vanity Store is customizable and I'm always happy to do special theme / image requests at no extra charge!  Take a little break n' escape and look through my line of items that speak the language of Girlfriendease, which is really just communication between fabulous friends!  

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