And to dance around naked!
I actually created a video and will post the link here about trying to appreciate what ya' have now, cuz' truly, no matter how much physical traits may annoy you now you'll be nostalgic for them in ten years!
I'm so going to create this character as a women humor card and put her in my EtsyVanityGallery!
So, when they say it's never too late for this or that I'm not sure I agree. Dolls, they' ain't no way at this time and going forward I'm wiggling around on the beach or by a pool in a bikini! That being said I'm not saying "tent one's self" either! Personally, as I progress in age, a term a like better than saying, as I get older; I offer "Do You!" But in Doing You just make sure you look as fab as you can because when you look fab, don't you feel fab?!
What I like about this character is that she faces the truth but she's still got her smear of red lipstick on! I truly believe, red lipstick can save the world, one application at at time! Don't you?
Here's the video I was talking about -
Oh and if it's not asking too much I would luuuuuve you to subscribe to my channel which will be about how I create cards and art and a bit of a Fab'log as well!
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