Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I am an Accessory Activist!

I am truly an accessory activist!  I believe they offer every person the ability to be their most fabulous!

It can be so simple to add a little fabulousness to any ensemble from a high-fashion ensemble to jeans and a T!  I'm certain accessories are essential no matter what one is wearing and that includes bathing suits...naturally!  I think of accessories as vital nutrients for any outfit!

Much of the humor of my Funny Women Greeting cards in my Etsy VanityGallery celebrate the importance of accessories - is it just me, or are they oxygen for any outfit?!
Come on by and see if you feel the same way - VanityGallery on etsy!VanityGallery on etsy!

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Never underestimate the power of a pink feather boa!