Sunday, July 30, 2023

A day without accessorie? Wha'???

     It is one hot summer!  I'm hearing it's the hottest summer on record and therefore, in dressing everyday the aim is to be both cool on the inside and outside. There is not a day, hot or cold, that I believe one should go without accessories!  For Gad's sake, even when marinating in a pool, it's a race to the elbows with bangles for moi!  And frankly, the added benefit is that accessories draw the eye away from the bathing suit - which naturally, is often basic black.
    No matter the temperature, why would one NOT wear accessories?!  I truly believe they are the style seasoning that give the fashion seasoning to any look!

    *To see more accessory humor, insights or reflections I invite you to see my Vanity Cases by clicking the link.  And really, isn't it worth a moment to have a smile over Vanity Reflections?!


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