Friday, April 28, 2023

We don't brag - we state facts!

Don't you just hate it when people brag about how fabulous they are when they usually aren't?!  As for us, we can't help being fabulous and that's not bragging, rather just stating a fact; r'eye'eeeeet?!  

There's a fine line between bragging or showing off and exuding confidence.  It's something fabulistas inherently have mastered. We know that confidence whispers while insecurity shouts. 

This is especially true of social media and people who feel compelled to post their every move, meal and activity online. I die at the lack of awareness of those that feel the need to beat their chests begging, "look at me, "look at me," by posting their every burp and sneeze, plated meal, daily event and all too often in the form of selfies. It's one thing to post interesting images, inspiring observations or thought-provoking ideas.  I'll take those all day every day, if they make others feel good, smile or ponder.  That's not to say one shouldn't post cute photos and such but to do it hyper frequently, to me, it's like seeing someone flailing their arms and begging for validation for their every move! 

I mean really, when you know what you've got and how fabulous you are, the most important person whose validation should want the most is YOU!   This is card in my VanityGallery on Etsy!

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