Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy Vanity New Year! 2017 -- Vanity All Year Long ...

Sooo, yup, this is a real-life observation and one that will at some point work its way into one of my women humor greeting cards but in the meantime, this is what I pray for in 2017!

As it is, I clean my own house, scrub my own toilets, empty the dishwasher, do laundry, etc., etc., while balancing my art business in my home-studio while the Jellybeans are in school -- which is not long enough!

And to know me is to know I actually do all of the above complete with lipstick, powder and pearls!  That's right, whether chasing dust clouds with a Swifter or working on an art deadline for either my VanityGallery Etsy store or a licensing client, or even dropping the kids to the bus stop and/ or school in the early morn', I believe in being kind to people...therefore I wear make up and accessorize from almost the moment I wake up until I peel the essentials off!

Makes' ya' feel fabulous and fools people that one is actually pulled together!

Air kissess and accessory wishes until the next post!

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