Sunday, January 4, 2015

How the design process works... sort of...

Sooooo, on a current project I'm working on that I cross my fingers will end up being licensed for a mass market outlet, the notes on the attached art show how it basically works...for me.  The direction for this particular project is "chalkboard art/ text"  While one thinks black and white for chalkboard art, for a mass retailer the color  has to "PoP!"

I am forever playing with text as design and naturally, when I actually sit down to work on the project my fingers freeze!

I've also attached some images [below]with the style of text I think the client is looking for and will translate into Holiday Expressions and colorations... I hope!

The sheet / image [above] is only one of many I'm working on and then will edit and submit.

Oh, did I mention the deadline is YeStErDaY ! ! !   That's almost always the case!


  1. I'm sorry but this doesnt give the feel of "chalkboard art" at all. Also, why are you subimtting it late when the due date was yesterday? good luck actually getting them to use that art. it's not professional at all.

    1. Thank you for your comment. "Yesterday" was meant to be funny. I've worked with this particular company for a long time and often find I need to interpret what they are looking for & thankfully usually am on target. True chalkboard art would not work on the end-product. And while I value all comments, I'm not sure what you don't find professional? This was meant to share a process -
      Thank you -
