Monday, June 2, 2014

One's Standards may be low ... but....

Eve says that one's standards may be low, but one still has to live up to them!  

Live it up!   This Vanity Case is part of what I call my Vanity Reality Series as Even is based on a real person!

This character was based on someone I knew who always, but always wore a turban, dressed in starched, pressed and creased PJs all day and always wore very, very white kids!  She reminded me of Edie Beale of Grey Gardens, who I would learn about years later, but at the time, I just thought she was nifty, eccentric and too fabulous!

But she also reflected, one has to create their own personal standards and then live up to em!

Three cheers for Eve!

Air kisses until the next Vanity Reflection!

PS... Sooooo sorry I've been remiss with adding new images and pithy observations!  Will do my best to pick up the pace and consistency!  I blame it all on my two divine kiddos with whom I find myself picking up after, working on homework and school projects, playing with and/ or just getting a kick outta' most of the time!

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