Friday, February 8, 2013

What Joan Crawford said....

I'd love to take credit for this quote but it's something I heard Joan Crawford said!

I saw it in an interview on Youtube!  I luuuuuve the month of February as it relates to Turner Classic Movies because they only show Oscar winning movies for the entire month!  I'm in heaven!  And as a result, I'm not only in "escape mode" when I get a chance to watch any of the amazing movies, I very often find myself going to Youtube to discover old interviews of Hollywood's Golden Era stars.  I must say, Joan Crawford was amazingly "now" and not a Norma Desmond type at all, living in her past glory.  I've been spellbound by her interviews and clearly inspired!  And I can't help but wonder what would her legacy have been had her daughter not written "the book!"

I"m sure it's completely inappropriate but I was watching a bit of "Baby Jane" with my 4 1/2 year old, and while of course blown away by Bette Davis, it's Joan's performance that is soooo strong in it's subtleness!

Old movies are like mini vacations to a different time and place - And I dare say, even at my eroding age, I look at a black and white old film and could swear the stars are older than moi no matter the movie!

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