Friday, May 11, 2012

Freebie Friday Fab' Bookmark ... or is it a notecard?

Click to enlarge n' print or....
Click and drag to your desktop to print.  I designed on standard 8.5 x 11 paper.   
I've decided this is a multi-tasking item!  You can use as a book mark, which would of course works best printed on sturdy paper, or you can use as a lil' note card. 

I like to keep note cards in a zip lock baggie (what class) in my purse.  I jot down notes to trade when I run into someone, or if I saw a website I want to remember, or to journal little moments in the day, that I eventually put into one of many boxes that I collect.  However you use, I hope you'll enjoy!

Click HERE, if you'd like to see more "Humor for women of all ages who get it!" and pu'leeease, don't hesitate to suggest ideas!  I'm always open!

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